August 24, 2018
Duke Anderson and Andrew Seto of Energi Simulation, and Victor Salazar of CMG Limited visited Dr. Leonardo Guimarães and his research team at the Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil, on August 6-7, 2018.
In addition to reviewing the Energi Simulation Research Chair program led by Dr. Guimarães on ‘Optimization, Uncertainties and Multi-Physics’, which has made great progress and is well-funded by the government and industry sponsors, the visitors met with Rector Anísio Brasileiro, the director of the International Relations Board, Maria Leonor Maia, and teachers involved with Energi Simulation sponsored projects.
“We are very honored to have the Chair, mainly because of the economic and academic impact it brings to the region, the State and, consequently, the University,” said the Rector.
After a well-presented student symposium on the first day of visit, Energi Simulation joined a tour of the new LITPEG (Integrated Laboratories on Petroleum, Gas & Biofuels Technologies) building that is under construction. This will be the new home of Dr. Guimarães’ team to continue their research work on field development and well control optimization, as well as reservoir geomechanics, to help the industry to tackle some of their challenges.
Energi Simulation is proud to sponsor Dr. Leonardo Guimarães Research Chair program at the Federal University of Pernambuco, that is expected to general results that will benefit students, the industry and society.