It really has been a remarkable quarter as we close in on the 5th Annual Symposium taking place in Edmonton on November 13, 14, and 15, 2018. Exciting things are happening both at home and abroad – in addition to seeing members of [RG]2 making innovative presentations and attending events on both sides of the Atlantic and the Pacific, we’ve attracted some visitors from Down Under and forged new and important global relationships in CCUS.
Registration for the 5th Annual [RG]2 Symposium is now open. [RG]2 has some amazing presentations and updates in store for this year as we look towards the end of this IRC program. Plans are already underway for moving forward with a second IRC application that is tailored to meet industry needs responsibly while continuing to provide the [RG]2 team with relevant, unique, and challenging research opportunities.
[RG]2 was pleased to be a part of the 2nd workshop of the Knowledge Network in Reservoir Geomechanics for Mature Fields – IMP – UAlberta – PEMEX. It was a successful meeting of the minds that will guide the next steps in our research.
Within the next 6 weeks we will see approximately 10 of our students move through their PhD candidacy exams and get one step closer to their degrees. We wish them all luck in their upcoming preparations and look forward to passing out a round of congratulations in the next quarterly!
PhD Candidate Amir Haghi presented his paper New Experimental Approach for Stress-Dependent Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability Curves in Porous Media at the 4th UK Interpore Conference at the University of Aberdeen in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Dr. Chalaturnyk was pleased to be an Invited Speaker at the recently held Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Forum held at the China University of Petroleum, Beijing from September 17-18 2018. Prior to the Forum, Dr. Chalaturnyk provided a one hour seminar to graduate students on Sunday, September 16th and delivered his invited talk entitled “ Aquistore – Advancing Canadian Expertise in the Geological Storage of CO2” on Monday September 17th. His visit to Beijing also provided an opportunity to renew discussions with the China Geological Survey on cooperative projects related to CCUS as well as hold a reservoir geomechanics research program review meeting with Dr. Dingwei Weng and his colleagues from PetroChina RIPED, one of our industrial sponsors in the ES IRC in Reservoir Geomechanics Consortia. This was a very valuable meeting and we look forward to welcoming four colleagues from RIPED at our Annual Research Symposium held Nov. 13-15, 2018 at the University of Alberta.
Following a successful presentation at the Interpore 10th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, 2018, [RG]2 alumnus Bauyrzhan Primkulov and other researchers from UofA, MIT, and Oxford University published a full paper on “Quasistatic fluid-fluid displacement in porous media: Invasion-percolation through a wetting transition” in the Journal of Physical Review – Fluids. Bauyrzhan K. Primkulov, Stephen Talman, Keivan Khaleghi, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Rick Chalaturnyk, Benzhong Zhao, Christopher W. MacMinn, and Ruben Juanes.
On the occasion of the 5th North American Energy Ministers Trilateral Meeting (Canada, Mexico, and US) on Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage, Alireza RangrizShokri presented an Innovation Overview of Canadian CO2 Storage and EOR Activities, and Collaboration Opportunities for CO2 Storage and EOR in Canada.
After discussing “Advances in Thermal Reservoir-Geomechanical Coupled Simulations at Aquistore” at Aquistore’s Annual General Meeting in Regina, Dr. Alireza RangrizSShokri and Dr. Rick joined the celebration for the 20th anniversary of the Petroleum Technology Research Center (PTRC).
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