Professor Denis Schiozer, Energi Simulation Chair, was awarded with the “Zeferino Vaz” Academic Recognition Award
The “Zeferino Vaz” Academic Recognition Award is awarded annually to active faculty members of the University of Campinas, who have excelled in their teaching, research and community services functions based on the five-year activity report. Professor Schiozer received this award for the second time (first time in 2000).
Project UNICAMP-PETROBARS-ENERGI SIMULATION was selected as finalist of the Brazilian National Agency (ANP) Technological Innovation Award 2019
The Brazilian Agency of Oil, Gas and Biofuels (ANP), announced the list of finalists for the ANP Technological Innovation Award 2019 and, this year, a project from Unicamp together with PETROBRAS and ENERGI Simulation was selected as a finalist in Category I (project developed exclusively by a university, in the general thematic area “Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas”).
The ANP Technological Innovation Award aims to recognize and reward the results associated with research, development and innovation (R, D & I) projects that represent technological innovation for the oil, natural gas and biofuels sector, developed in Brazil, with funds from the PD&I Clause present in the Exploration and Production (E&P) contracts.
The result to be considered should be related to the development of innovative goods, products, services, systems, processes, methodologies or concepts, with applicability or potential applicability for the oil, natural gas and biofuels sector.
The project is coordinated by Prof. Denis José Schiozer, developed at CEPETRO-UNICAMP in partnership with PETROBRAS and ENERGI SIMULATION entitled “Development and Management of Oil Fields through Numerical Reservoir Simulation – SIGER Network”.
The winning projects will be announced at the Awards Ceremony to be held on November 28th, 2019.
University of Campinas won this category in the 2018 edition for the first time with the project in partnership CEPETRO, FEM, SHELL-BRAZIL AND ENERGI SIMULATION related to Integration of Reservoir Simulation and Seismic 4D.