Today, on International Women and Girls in Science Day, Energi Simulation wants to take this opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women in the field of science and the impact they have had on our world. This special day is an opportunity to recognize the achievements of women in science, inspire the next generation of female scientists and promote gender equality in the field.
Women have made significant contributions to science throughout history, yet they still face obstacles that limit their participation and progress in the field. To help eliminate these obstacles, it is important to support and celebrate the women currently in STEM, to show others that these opportunities are achievable, and they too can follow in their footsteps. On this International Women and Girls in Science Day, we want to help celebrate the contributions of all the women and girls who have made important breakthroughs, challenged the status quo, and paved the way for future generations.
Today, we are proud to recognize our very own Energi Simulation Research Chair, Maren Brehme, and her female research team; Lily Suherlina, Anna Kottsova, Anna Jentsch, and Paromita Deb at ETH Zurich, among the amazing and talented women in the world that has dedicated themselves to science and are an inspiration to other women and girls hoping to do the same.
When asked to share their experience, Maren and her team had this to say:
Maren Brehme, Senior Researcher, Exploration and Operation of geothermal systems
“I enjoy applying geoscientific knowledge and contributing with that to a more sustainable future. We do that by analyzing and integrating geoscientific data from field measurements and geothermal power plants to develop scenarios to sustainably use them.
It is a great pleasure to guide young female researchers on their way to successful leaders in geothermal energy development. We need mixed teams with different backgrounds, personalities and skills to be most successful in our mission.”
Anna Jentsch, PostDoc, Advanced geothermal exploration technologies
“Being part of a generation in which the decarbonisation of our planet is crucial and many technical solutions are already available, as well as the possibility to drive change, inspires me in my work. But above all, working with international partners from science and industry is exciting because the doors are open to try out new things under real conditions.”
Anna Kottsova, PhD student, Precipitation in porous media: effect on the efficiency of geothermal operations
“It’s exciting when industry and academia can work together to achieve common goals. And I’m glad I have a chance to gain experience in both within my PhD project.”
Lily Suherlina, PhD Student, Sustainable Long-Term Production of a Faulted High Enthalpy Geothermal Fiel
“I am passionate to be a PhD student working on geothermal reservoir engineering as I love interpreting the subsurface data related from multiple viewpoints. Now, I want to translate the geoscientific interpretation to reservoir engineering. I work on the geothermal reservoir evolution, particularly in a hydrothermal high enthalpy field. I love doing this work since I have a joyful experience understanding geothermal science from a different perspective”
To Maren Brehme and her team, along with all the women and girls in science, we proud to celebrate your achievements, while also recognizing the challenges you face. We are inspired by your passion, your dedication, and your commitment to making a difference. You are making the world a better place and we are grateful for your contributions.
Here’s to the women and girls in science who are shaping our world!
More information: https://geg.ethz.ch/people/