Registration is now open!
You are cordially invited to attend the 14th annual Energi Simulation Technical Summit and Annual General Meeting, on November 5 – 6, 2024, at The Rimrock Resort Hotel in Banff, Alberta, Canada, starting at 8:30 am (MST). This will be a hybrid conference, with participants joining in-person or online.
Join the global audience, expected from over 30 countries either in-person or on-line, to network with the Energi Simulation Research Chair teams and learn about their leading-edge technologies in energy resource modelling.
This is a registration only event; Registration is free!
Register here: https://energisimulation.swoogo.com/summit2024/begin
Introducing the Speakers:
Eric Mackay, Arne Skauge, Hadi Hajibeygi, John Chen, Giovanni Grasselli(Grasselli Geomechanics Group), Rick Chalaturnyk, Sebastian Geiger, Maren Brehme, Leonardo José do Nascimento Guimarães, Denis Schiozer, Ryosuke Okuno, Behnam Jafarpour and Apostolos Kantzas
Introducing our Keynote Speakers:
Jeanine Vany, Executive Vice President of Geosciences of Eavor Technologies Inc.
Bryan Helfenbaum, Vice President of Clean Energy at Alberta Innovates
Additionally, join us for our Energi Gala taking place on November 5, 2024, from 6:30pm – 9:00pm (MST) at The Rimrock Hotel Resort, Wildrose Ballroom. At the Gala, you will be able to network amongst Research Chairs, industry and students, enjoy drinks, a sit-down dinner, and a keynote speech by Jeanine Vany, Executive Vice President of Geosciences of Eavor Technologies Inc.
Everyone is welcome and registration is required to attend, with a business attire dress code.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Summit and Gala!
(Video recordings of presentations at previous Energi Simulation Summits can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HWdYub1tgbnUDTfSsvDTA/videos