Presentations:Experimental Study and Numerical Modeling of Cryogenic Fracturing Process on Laboratory-Scale Rock and Concrete SamplesTriple Permeability Triple Porosity Model on Shale Gas SimulationGeochemical Interactions During CO2 InjectionDual-porosity models for simulating naturally fractured reservoirs: Past, present and futureExperimental Measurements of Contact Angles in Porous Media and their Impact on Sweep EfficiencyFluid Behavior and Rock Interactions: Enhanced Oil RecoveryWhen Control System Meet Reservoir Engineering: Initiatives in Model Reduction, Production, Optimization and AutomationAn Improve Understanding of Hydraulic Fracturing and Microseismicity through GeomechanicsEOR / Polymer FloodingMulti-Physics, Optimization and Uncertainty PropagationOptimization and Integration of Reservoir Simulation and Production FacilitiesSubsurface Containment and HeterogeneityDevelopment of Emerging Recovery Processes for Heavy Oil and Oil SandsConditioning Discrete Facies Simulation to Production Data in Complex Geologic EnvironmentsDiffusion and Matrix-Fracture Interactions During Gas Injection in Fracture Reservoirs Posters:Simulation of THM Processes in Fracture ReservoirsWATERLESS FRACTURING TECHNOLOGIES FOR UNCONVENTIONAL RESERVOIRS – OPPORTUNITIES FOR LIQUID NITROGENDual Fracture Model approaching Shale Gas SimulationShale Gas Recovery Simulation with Finite Element MethodEnabling Ultra-Massive Simulations on Today’s Standard Computing PlatformsDissolution and Re-Precipitation in Carbonate Reservoirs During CO2 InjectionGEOLOGIC WELL-TESTING IN FRACTURED FORMATIONS – UNDERSTANDING THE LIMITATIONS OF THE DUAL-POROSITY MODELModelling CaCO2 scale in CO2 -Water Alternating Gas (WAG) ProcessesOPTIMISING TWO POSSIBLE EOR METHODS CONSIDERING COMPLEX GEOLOGICAL UNCERTAINTYFCMG CHAIR IN REACTIVE FLOW SIMULATIONRobust and Multi-Objective Optimization of Water Alternating Gas Injection in Fractured Carbonate FormationsFCMG CHAIR FOR CARBONATE RESERVOIR SIMULATIONFate of Frac Fluid and Implications for Scale ManagementWork Flow For Nano-Scale Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Shale And Tight ReservoirsPlastic Material Instability and Deformational Mechanisms in Coupled Reservoir-Geomechanics Computations of SAGDShale Fracturing using Fast Heating via EM WavesUse of Rescaled Exponentials and Similarity Solutions in Multiphase Oil & Gas Performance AnalysisIMPACT OF SURFACTANT MIXTURES ON MICROEMULSION PHASE BEHAVIOREffect of Hysteresis on CO2 Storage and Enhanced Oil RecoveryEffect of Brine Composition on Wettability Alteration and Oil Recovery from Oil-Wet Carbonate ReservoirsRESEARCH INITIATIVES IN MODEL REDUCTION, PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION AND AUTOMATIONDevelopment of Strategies for Reservoir DevelopmentExamples of Model Selection in Reservoir ManagementSIMPLIFIED MODELS IN RESERVOIR SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION: CARDINALITY REDUCTION FRAMEWORK AND DATA-DRIVEN MODELS IN PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATIONEnabling Ultra-Massive Simulations on Today’s Standard Computing PlatformsADVANCES IN MODELLING OF POLYMER FLOODINGIN-SITU POLYMER RHEOLOGYMULTI-PHYSICS, OPTIMIZATION, AND UNCERTAINTY PROPAGATIONROBUST MANAGEMENT AND GEOMECHANICAL MODELINGEVALUATION OF INTEGRATION IN PRODUCTION STRATEGYCOMPLEMENTARY ASPECTS ABOUT INTEGRATED MODELINGLarge Scale Coupled Reservoir Geomechanics SimulationSubsurface Containment Assurance Research within the FCMG IRCMechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Analog SandstoneProperties of Caprock and Cements for SAGD Wellbore Integrity ModelingCoupled Reservoir Geomechanical Simulation Workflow for Forensic Analysis of Joslyn Steam Release IncidentCoupled Multiphase Heat and Fluid Transport in SAGD: A Semi-Analytical ApproachParallel Implementation and Performance Analysis of ILU Family PreconditionersMathematical Modeling of Solvent Chamber Boundary in Vapor Extraction (VAPEX)An Adaptive Preconditioning Strategy for Parallel Reservoir SimulationRESERVOIR SIMULATION AND PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION OF BITUMEN/HEAVY OIL VIA NANO-CATALYTIC IN SITU UPGRADINGRelative Permeability Hysteresis Effect on CO -WAG in Water-Wet and Oil-Wet ReservoirsA Review of Flows Maps to Validate and Develop Modelled PredictionsDISCRETE IMAGING FOR ESTIMATION OF GEOLOGIC FACIES FROM PRODUCTION DATADynamic Characterization of Hydraulic Fracturing with Ensemble Kalman FilterSorption and Mass Transfer of CH4 /C2 H6 in ShaleStability Analysis for Simulation of Tight FormationsModelling of Low Tension Enhanced Oil Recovery ProcessesNew Developments in Low Cost Improved Oil Recovery MethodsUnderstanding Hydraulic Fracturing through Geomechanics – Advanced 3D and 4D FDEM ModellingRock Deformation Experiments Under Micro-CTPhoto Gallery: