by Behnam Jafarpour, Energi Simulation Chair and Associate Professor at the University of Southern California
Each year, Petroleum Engineering students at all levels (BS, MS, and PhD) participate in the Annual Student Paper Contest, sponsored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers during the Western Regional Meeting (SPE-WRM). The top rank in each category wins a free trip to the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (SPE-ATCE) to compete at the International Student Paper Contest.
This year, Wei Ma and Atefeh Jahandideh, two PhD students at the University of Southern California won the first and second rank, respectively, in the PhD Division of the SPE Western Regional Meeting. Both students are members of the Advanced Reservoir Characterization and Forecasting (ARCF) research team, one of several chair programs sponsored by Energi Simulation.
Wei Ma won a free trip to the 2018 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in Dallas, to compete at the International Student Paper Contest. Congratulations to both Wei and Atefeh, and best of luck to Wei at the international competition.