Advancing Reservoir Geomechanics Research for Unconventional Resources October 26, 2013 ricardog Uncategorized see more
Combining Discrete Fracture and Matrix with Multi-Rate Dual-Porosity Modeling October 26, 2013 ricardog Uncategorized see more
Determination of Molecular Diffusion Coefficient in Domains with Significant Volume Change – Case of Propane Dissolution in Bitumen October 26, 2013 ricardog Uncategorized see more
Improving Permeability Modeling in a Large Offshore Carbonate Field Using Near Wellbore Upscalling and Dynamic Calibration Workflow October 26, 2013 ricardog Uncategorized see more
Coupled Reservoir and Geomechanical Simulation of Underground Coal Gasification October 26, 2013 ricardog Uncategorized see more
Development of a Platform for Parallel Reservoir Simulators October 26, 2013 ricardog Uncategorized see more
Numerical performance of reduction numerical methods for single-phase flow in rough grids and with discontinuous permeability October 26, 2013 ricardog Uncategorized see more