Centrifuge Testing Program for SAGD Caprock Integrity September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more
Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Mass Transfer in Cyclic Solvent Injection! September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more
Effect of Capillary Pressure and Geomechanics on Flow and Transport In Tight and Shale Reservoirs September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more
Visual Analytic for Multi-Attribute Ranking of Earth Models for Reservoir Simulation Studies September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more
Multi-Physics, Optimization and Uncertainty Propagation September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more
Optimization and Integration of Reservoir Simulation and Production Facilities September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more
Fluid Behavior and Rock Interactions – RTA in Unconventionals September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more
Analytical Solutions and Numerical Models for Early- and Late-time Inhibition In Fractured Reservoirs September 26, 2015 ricardog SUMMIT 2015 see more